Poster Indien
50,5 x 75,5; 1960, July; German 1.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed by M/s. The Eagle Lithographing Co. Private Ltd., Calcutta-14 190.- €
63,5 x 100; 1958, July; English 40.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed by M/s. Glasgow Printing Co. Private Ltd., Howrah; linker Rand leicht knittrig 480.- €
63,5 x 100; 1958, June; English 30.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed at the New Jack Printing Works Private Ltd., Bombay 360.- €
61,5 x 99,5; 1959, June; English 30.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed by M/s. Eagle Lithographing Co. Private Ltd., Calcutta 280.- €
64 x 100; 1959, February; English 40.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directo-rate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Minis-try of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed at Sree Sarasvaty Press Ltd., Calcutta 9; leicht randknittrig, linker Rand winzige Einrisse 290.- €
64 x 100; 1959, February; English 40.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directo-rate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Minis-try of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed at Sree Sarasvaty Press Ltd., Calcutta 9; leicht randknittrig, linker Rand winzige Einrisse 490.- €
62,5 x 98,5; 1958, July; English 40.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed by Messrs. Glasgow Printing Co. Private Ltd., Howrah 360.- €
63 x 100,5; 1959, March; English 40.000; published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed at Sree Saraswaty Press Ltd., Calcutta-9 350.-
48 x 75; 1962, July; English 15.000; published by an for the Government of India; printed in India; produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Department of Tourism, Government of India and printed by M/s. Prasad Process Private Ltd., Madras 195.- €
47,5 x 73,5; 1960, September; German 2.000; herausgegeben von der Werbedirektion im Ministerium für Information und Rundfunkwesen für das Fremdenverkehrsamt der indischen Regierung, New Dehli; Druck: The Times of India Press, Bombay, in Indien gedruckt, veröffentlicht durch und für die Indische Regierung 195.- €
63,5 x 100; 1958, August; English 1.000.000, published by and for the Govt. of India; printed in India (not be sold); produced by the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of I. & B., for the Deptt. Of Tourism, Government of India, New Dehli; printed at Sree Saraswaty Press Ltd., Calcutta-9 350.- €